Best Diet plan for Weight Lose
Best diet plan for weight loss
All the diet plans has not same results in weight loss .Low carb and calories diets and whole food ,are effective for weight loss.
Some ways by which you can lose your weight are here:
• reduce your appetite by using low calorie food
• This cause fast weight lose
Cut back on refined carbs
One of the best way to lose weight quickly is to reduce sugar intak and starches . In this way your insulin level become low which is very helpful in we weight loss.
By this diet plan you take only few calries per day and your fat stored in the body burn very quickly
Using complex carbs with low calories are very helpful because they digest slowly and feel like you are full.
Many Research also suggests that a low carb diet may lead to eating fewer calories without thinking about it or feeling hungry
Long term low calorie diet is not good for body because it distrub normal healthy weight of body
Best way for weight loss is you must consult with your doctor before adopting any diet plan
Healthy fats and proteins
• a protein source
• fat source
• vegetables
• Little bit portion of complex carbohydrates like whole grain
Eating a recommended amount of protein is essential for Normal health and muscle mass while losing weight .
Eating sufficient amount of protein may improve Cardio metabolic risk factors appetite and normal body weight.
Normal daily dose of protein which we must intake is :
• 56 to 91 grams per day for the normal male
• 46 to 75 grams per day for the normal female
Diets with proper protein can also help:
• reduce appetite desire of food by 60%
• reduce the desire to eat a lot at night
• make you feel full
Healthy protein sources are:
• meat: beef, chicken, pork, and lamb
• fish and seafood: shrimp
• eggs: whole eggs with the yolk ( daily intake)
• plant-based proteins: beans, legumes, quinoa, tempeh
Leafy greens and vegetables
Leafy greens are low in calories and packed with high content of nutrients
Vegetables include low calorie and carbs are:
• broccoli
• cauliflower
• spinach
• tomatoes
• kale
• Brussels sprouts
• cabbage
• Swiss chard
• lettuce
• cucumber
Healthy fats
Don’t be afraid of eating fats . They are necessary for our body.
Healthy fats sources are
Olive oil
Avocados oil
Coconut oil
Fats like coconut oil and butter should use in moderate way because they have high content of saturated fats
Move your body
Exercise, is the best way to loss body weight quickly. Lifting weights has particularly good benefits.
Weight exercise burn a lots of calories and make your metabolic health good.
Three to four time per week exercise in gym help weight loss.
If you don’t have weight lifting equipment than done cardio like walking jogging, running. Cardio is also helpful in weight lose
Cardio and weight lifting both type of exercise reduce body fat quickly
Best weight loss tips
1. Eat a high protein breakfast daily.
2. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice.
3. Drink water before meals not after.
4. Choose weight-loss-friendly foods.
5. Eat soluble fiber.
6. Drink coffee or tea.
7. Base your diet on whole foods.
8. Eat slowly.
9. Get good quality sleep.
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